Construction Customer Satisfaction Agreement

09 Avr Construction Customer Satisfaction Agreement

In the case of a construction project, it can be difficult to measure and control customer satisfaction for two main reasons: the customer complaints management procedure published by the project owner should contain a list of the reasons that may be the source of complaints that have a real impact on customer satisfaction. Accounting for the satisfaction of the project owner includes not only the satisfaction report (the satisfaction of each PMC manager and the overall satisfaction of PMC), but also the follow-up that should be done to improve the areas of the low-scoring project; These « follow-up measures » can be defined according to the following criteria: the ultimate objective of a quality management system implemented by a contractor in a construction project should be to ensure the satisfaction of the project owner (client). Based on the CSR value, the satisfaction of the project owner can be assessed as follows: at this stage, the question « How to measure the satisfaction of the project owner? » remains unanswered. Well, it`s time to reveal this « secret »; In this process, customer satisfaction measured by the following formula: the CMP and the contractor must appoint, in each organization, a person to monitor all problems related to the satisfaction of the project owner; this person is appointed Client Management Coordinator (CCMC) and should be either the contract manager or the quality assurance manager. (a) Have you put in place an effective and effective complaints process to ensure the satisfaction of the project owner and to improve the quality of the construction elements performed; This system for measuring customer satisfaction is based on complaints from the project owner (represented by PMC executives) to the contractor and in the time used by the contractor to process and process each claim; Customer satisfaction, which is monitored on a monthly basis, and refers to the issue of the complaint until the last day of the previous month (z.B. the April report refers to complaints filed until the last day of March); Thus, the contractor has one month (at least in the worst case for complaints filed on the last day of each month) to process and close complaints. Under practical conditions at the end of each month, this process will produce a score report on the satisfaction of the project owner, which can be used by the contractor`s senior management to get an idea of the project owner`s level of satisfaction; The result of such a report may be similar to this: the implementation of this process allows us to assess, on a monthly basis, the overall satisfaction of the customers, as well as the satisfaction of all PMC managers (project managers, project managers, contract managers, package managers, work managers, plan managers, QA/QC Manager, HSE Manager and others) who helped generate this rate. The process of measuring the satisfaction of the project owner on the basis of his complaints is to collect all complaints from PMC executives, to categorize these complaints and, at the end of each month, to assess how many of these complaints have been completed, regarding the total number of complaints filed. For the project owner, it is extremely important to ensure the CMP and the contractor`s commitment to the proper implementation of this process, which allows for the measurement of customer satisfaction and to take the necessary measures when this level falls within the established criteria of satisfaction. To do so, the project owner must adopt a « customer complaint management directive » and ensure that CMPs and contractors comply with them.

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