09 Avr Dga Amptp Agreement
As previously reported, one-hour programs for the largest streaming platforms will pay more than $73,000 in the first three years of use in the second year of the new agreement, which is almost fivefold compared to 2016 (combined with 2017 profits) and, according to the union, on the average leftovers obtained in all markets for the most popular network series. Increases for half an hour and programs on smaller platforms were not disclosed in the summary. The guild refused to provide a copy of the agreement itself and had no comment on the article. The DGA also negotiated a separate three-year contract with Netflix in 2017, which expires this year. In addition to admitting to having reached an agreement with the streaming giant, the DGA did not disclose the terms of the agreement. The Guild of America has ratified a three-year collective agreement, a step expected after the guild council unanimously recommended the agreement to members. The term of the new contract will come into effect on July 1. The WGA contract expires on May 1 – two months before the end of the current DGA pact, and the authors may be in conflict with the studios because of their request to negotiate only with talent agencies that have signed the new WGA franchise agreement. This is what AMPTP refused in March of last year, when the WGA attempted to drag companies into their ongoing struggle with agencies for packaging fees and agency affiliations with production and distribution companies close to the company. Other remnants: the remaining bases for free-to-air foreign television will increase by 2.5% in the first year of the agreement and by 3% year out of two and three, while the increase in the remaining bases for video-on-demand, funded by advertising, non-primetime network, syndication and basic cables will be 0.5% lower than these percentages , and the rest of pay TV and premium afford network availability fees will not increase. « At a time of enormous uncertainty, when we are all feeling the weight of this current pandemic, it is reassuring to say the least for our members to know that when the industry resumes production, a strong new agreement awaits them, » said Schlamme. « The agreement contains significant progress in key areas, including dramatic improvements in SVOD residues and coverage; a significant increase in the resources allocated to our retirement plan to ensure our retirement promises, now and in the future; healthy wage increases and significant gains in creative television rights. Neither side gave details, but the guild said they would be made available after the agreement was submitted to the Guild`s National Council for approval at a special board meeting scheduled for Saturday.
Basic wages: as has already been reported, minimum wages will increase by 2.5% in the first year of the agreement and by 3% in the second and third years of the agreement. However, as part of a compromise to achieve the greatest residues of SVOD, wage increases will be reduced by 0.5% for developers of primetime scripted network programs, pay channels, highest SVOD programs and non-network and non-primetime programs (such as soap operas).
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